Run Maven Project from CLI

This is just a quick not on how to run a maven project from the CLI – command line interface. cd into the root directory of the project. Run mvn compile. Then, to execute a class with a main method (usually the Application class) execute the following Maven command: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=[your class here] For […]

Redirect Apache Requests to Applications

When requests come into the Apache Web server, they are routed by default to the files in the Document Root. Sometimes we want to redirect those requests elsewhere. We can do this with the Rewrite module. Add the Rewrite directives to the Apache config file, an .htaccess file, or do what I usually do and […]

Developing with Docker

Working on Docker ( In my last post about Docker, I went over container theory and some basic Docker commands. In this post, I will cover using Docker in an application development workflow. We’ll look at developing a Python/Flask API in a container using Docker.

Npgsql Insert Time Without Timezone

I’m just getting started with Npgsql for .NET Core Entity Framework and I ran into some trouble trying to do an insert into a Postgres table with a time data type. I initially tried to use a DateTime object, as worked with the date data type, but that didn’t work. The documentation said to use […]

PostgreSQL Quickstart

I’ve used mostly MySQL in the past, but a recent project called for working with PostgreSQL. The most immediate difference was that databases and schemas were semantically different. I took a liking to the DBMS – database management system, and plan to be using it in future projects. So, here I will notate some commands […]