Docker Swarm

Initialize the swarm docker swarm init –listen-addr –advertise-addr We need the –advertise-addr because there are two IP addresses assigned to the same interface. Create a service docker service create –name my-service –publish 3000:3000 my-image:1.0.0 Set the service to be hosted on two nodes docker service update –replicas 2 my-service

Typescript Web Browser Modules

I started with a question: how can I write Typescript modules to run in a Web browser without using Webpack or some other bundler? I’ve used TypeScript for programming in Nodejs, and for writing user interfaces. These interface run in Web browsers and on mobile devices (mostly using React and React Native). When targeting the […]

Run Maven Project from CLI

This is just a quick not on how to run a maven project from the CLI – command line interface. cd into the root directory of the project. Run mvn compile. Then, to execute a class with a main method (usually the Application class) execute the following Maven command: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=[your class here] For […]

Getting Started with Docker

Docker is a tool for developers that facilitates the creation, deployment, and running of applications using containers. In this post, I’ll go over what containers are, their benefits, and some of the fundamental Docker concepts and commands.