Git Ignore Current Changes in a File

Recently, I was working on a Web project where the HTML page referenced external JavaScript files – a quite common scenario. The development/testing and the live version of the project were on the same server and used the same socket for hosting. This was on an enterprise platform where these constrains were operationally fixed. So, […]

PHP Find Videos in Directory

I use this PHP function to find videos in a given directory. It will find files recursively in the given directory (at the given path) and put them into the array provided.

Pandas Basics I: Series and DataFrames

What is Pandas? Pandas is a free software (software libre) data analysis library for the Python programming language. The library provides analysts and programmers data structures optimized for working with large data sets, and methods for examining and manipulating that data. It uses another free software library, NumPy, for underlying data structures, and Pyplot to generate plots […]

Splitting a PDF into Single Pages

I recently had a request to take a PDF file which contained multiple documents – one page each – and separate the documents out into individual files. The request was in a Microsoft Windows environment. I had used Ghostscript for such tasks in the past on Linux, and has pleased to find the software was […]

Printing ASP.NET Debugging Output

For ASP.NET development, I use Microsoft’s Visual Studio (IDE). In any development environment, I regularly use print statements to discover and verify my programming’s actual functionality. In Java, simply printing to the console (with System.out.println) achieves this aim, but with ASP.NET and Visual Studio I tried the same approach (using Console.WriteLine) to no avail.