Git Frequently Used Commands

Git is a Version Control System software used to keep track of changes in computer code bases, including configuration files. I have found the following commands useful.

SQL to Pandas Translation

I’m experienced in working with SQL for data wrangling and analysis, but have recently started using the Python Pandas library for similar tasks. The thing I really like about Pandas is the ability to (combined with matplotlib) to plot/visualize the data once it’s been successfully curated. Coming from the SQL background, I’ve been approaching problems […]

SQLite3 Database Quick Create with Bash

In this post, I will document a couple of cases where one can quickly create an SQLite3 database by issuing commands in a Bash shell (the default terminal shell in Linux and Mac OS X). Case 1: Create a database with a table for images containing rows/tuples with the image url and a caption for […]

Work with all Files in a git Repo

Work with All files in git Repo To add all changed files use the -A argument on the command line. git add -A To commit all changed and staged files and changes: git commit -a or, if you want to enter a command line message: git commit -am “your commit message here”