PostgreSQL Quickstart

I’ve used mostly MySQL in the past, but a recent project called for working with PostgreSQL. The most immediate difference was that databases and schemas were semantically different. I took a liking to the DBMS – database management system, and plan to be using it in future projects. So, here I will notate some commands […]

MySQL and Python3

I’m using Python more and more so it’s not surprising that recently the need arose to connect to and insert into a MySQL database. I was using (and usually do) Python3, and I ran into a couple of issues in the begining. This post will document those issues and the solutions I found to get […]

Meetup Members Analysis

I recently started a group on for folks interested in computer programming. This was my first time doing so, and I had not worked out where the group would actually meet up. The first step to fining a meet-up spot was to look at the membership role and find where the individuals were located. I […]

Git Ignore Current Changes in a File

Recently, I was working on a Web project where the HTML page referenced external JavaScript files – a quite common scenario. The development/testing and the live version of the project were on the same server and used the same socket for hosting. This was on an enterprise platform where these constrains were operationally fixed. So, […]

Splitting a PDF into Single Pages

I recently had a request to take a PDF file which contained multiple documents – one page each – and separate the documents out into individual files. The request was in a Microsoft Windows environment. I had used Ghostscript for such tasks in the past on Linux, and has pleased to find the software was […]