Recording and Replaying GPS Data

In my last post on the Arduino Uno, I took my first steps with the micro-controller and started getting data from a GPS module – the Ublox NEO 6M. Once I was able to receive data from the module – which was pretty neat by itself if you think about it, I wanted to actually […]

Getting GPS Data from the Ublox NEO-6M GPS Module

At work, we’re using microcontrollers. We use them to monitor equipment and the environment, also to control machines in ways such as automating tasks and/or responding to certain environmental conditions. I work on the enablement team, therefore it’s part of my mission to facilitate other teams in their goal achievement. The automation team is responsible […]


I have a project I’m working to to gather and analyse economic data. To get the daily gold spot price, I’m going to use They provide a simple RESTful API serves up gold price data. You can check them out at the following link. Gold Rates by

Npgsql Insert Time Without Timezone

I’m just getting started with Npgsql for .NET Core Entity Framework and I ran into some trouble trying to do an insert into a Postgres table with a time data type. I initially tried to use a DateTime object, as worked with the date data type, but that didn’t work. The documentation said to use […]

PostgreSQL Quickstart

I’ve used mostly MySQL in the past, but a recent project called for working with PostgreSQL. The most immediate difference was that databases and schemas were semantically different. I took a liking to the DBMS – database management system, and plan to be using it in future projects. So, here I will notate some commands […]

Vue.js v-for set Option Selected

I recently started working with Vue.js. I found it to be quite a well engineered product and a well designed framework. In the framework, one can use a v-for attribute within markup to to loop over data stored in their view model and with each iteration generate more markup. I was utilizing the v-for to […]